Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I'm Published! Well, sort of...

UPDATE: Daegu Pockets has fallen into a bit of a debacle, with the involved parties in a bit of a tiff due to creative differences. I now write and edit for their new publication, In Daegu. It's a newspaper rather than a  magazine but still provides oodles of info on life and news in Daegu and the surrounding area. Check it out!

I'm a bit of a foodie. I love reading about food, trying new and exotic cuisines, and most of all, talking and writing about what I've discovered. Normally these musing are kept to emails and chat with friends. However, I finally got the chance to send my opinions out into the circulated world. The Daegu expat magazine, Daegu Pockets, sent out a request for entertainment writers a few months ago; I eagerly accepted the challenge. My first assignment was promised around October. I waited and waited for details on the Filipino restaurant I was to review. Silence. Nothing on any email account nor Facebook inbox.

Then out of the blue in late December, I got the email. I was to review a Filipino restaurant and market in town. Well, the first assignment was quite a doozie but I'm happy with how everything turned out. Rather than tell the story here, I provide the link to my first published article in the February 2011 issue of Daegu Pockets. It's on page 20.


I hope you enjoy! Bon Apetite!

(Also - critiques are welcome! Anything to improve my writing. Also, stay tuned for my second restaurant review appearing in the March issue!)


  1. Cool blog, thanks for sharing. It's interesting that you've fallen into the trap that is K-pop.

  2. where is the Filipino market in daegu?

  3. There are a few Asian markets (including some small Filipino stores) in downtown. There is a closed movie theatre across the street from the Quiznos. If you keep walking around back there you will find one. There is another Asian mart, more Indonesian I believe, on the other side of downtown (on the CGV side). If you go down the pedestrian street with all of the outdoor stores on it, the first street you can turn off on there are some Asian marts on. I know these are terrible directions, but I haven't been in Daegu for some time and as you know, directions are rough! Good luck!
